Photo by Nathan Anderson

Diverse Support To Meet Your Individual Needs

I utilize a number of methods in my work.

How I work

·       Client Centered Therapy - Client's point of view, goals and strengths are honored and central to the healing process.

·       Mindfulness & Dialectical Behavioral Skills -  Learn to use nonjudgmental awareness to focus attention and enhance effectiveness in tolerating difficult emotions and situations with greater ease.

. Part Work - Working in the manner of parts work can be integral to understanding and healing unmet needs and becoming more functional in the ways in which direct, advocate for and protect ourselves.

·       Somatic or Body-Centered Therapies - Like nature, the body has its own intelligence and we can learn to use the 5 senses and body awareness for grounding and gaining deeper awareness and wisdom. 

·       Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Understanding the connection between our thoughts, feelings and behaviors is a key element in making meaningful, lasting changes in our lives. 

·       Values Work - Identify and clarifying top personal values under current circumstances can be essential in evoking internal motivation, restoring life meaning and purpose, and reengaging in healthy committed action in the world.

. Motivational Interviewing - Behind every impetus to change is a motivating need that when identified and used with greater intention can make our goals become a reality.

·       Eco-Therapy  - Invite the nurturing and healing power of nature to feel more vitality and balance in your life. 

·       EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is an evidence-based treatment for trauma recovery as well as many other issues such as depression, anxiety, performance enhancement and gaining overall confidence in your life.